We Can End
Health Inequity

We Can End
Health Inequity

We Provide Equitable Access to Healthcare for America’s
Most Vulnerable Patients.

Connected health centers

Connected Health Centers

Connected health centers


Wellness Screenings

Local Assistance

All services are provided at no cost and insurance is not required.

Our Principles

We All Deserve CARE.

Regardless of socioeconomic status.

We are all EQUAL.

And deserve equal access to high-quality care.

Health Inequity is a CHOICE.

And we can end it together.

Our Mission

Health Inequity

Health inequity limits underserved patient’s access to high-quality care and results in an avoidable socioeconomic burden that impacts all US citizens.

Population: Physician Ratio

Population: Physician Ratio

Travel Distance

Travel Distance

Poverty Rates

Poverty Rates

Health Insurance Rates

Health Insurance Rates

Low Birthweight Rates

Low Birthweight Rates

Late or No Prenatal Care

Late or No Prenatal Care

Infant Mortality Rates

Infant Mortality Rates

Population Demographics

Population Demographics

We Can End Health InequityTogether

Technology has the potential to enable healthcare access for ALL. Our foundation provides the base infrastructure of accessibility with no-cost, high-quality healthcare services for our most vulnerable.

Socioeconomic Burden

82 |

Out of 126 Areas Designated as Medically Underserved


Mothers Receive Late or Zero Prenatal Care


Higher Death Rate


Year Life Expectancy Based on Zip Code

Problem & Solution

Advances in healthcare technology and care delivery methods including telemedicine have enabled greater health disparities due to a lack of required infrastructure in MUAs.


High-Speed Internet

Safe & Secure Locations


Our organization provides equitable access to healthcare services that rebuild trust, improve patient outcomes, prevent avoidable and premature deaths, and result in widespread socioeconomic benefits for the Underserved Community.